What Are Album Reviews?
Hello, and welcome back to my three-part series on gambling on a better tomorrow! This is part three. Did you miss parts one and two? Follow these links to check out part one, "What is Creative Writing?” and part two, “What are Articles?” Better yet, don’t do that and instead check out “An Inexhaustible Source” some creative writing that won’t waste your time!
So you’ve decided to stick around… but like… why? Why, though? I can accept that “Creative Writing” and “Articles” are rather broad categories and maybe you clicked those posts thinking I’d clear them up for you. I didn’t, but I can see why you might think that, but album reviews? How are you possibly expecting me to clarify the term ALBUM REVIEWS? What allusive nuances lurk beneath the surface of ALBUM REVIEWS? Tell me, what do YOU think ALBUM REVIEWS are? I’m serious, before we continue, submit your best guess below.
Category 4: Album Reviews
Yeah, it’s probably that. Unless you intentionally gave a stupid answer (which, in that case, very funny, many LOLs) you probably guessed something akin to “a review of an album.” A+ you are truly the ruler of rhetorical men.
Anyway, I’m a big fan of music and I like writing about it. Is there a common pattern to what sorts of music I review? No, not at all, but the reviews are just short stories disguised as in-depth analyses, so if you like my writing, you’ll like my reviews too. If you don’t like my writing, you may be disappointed with the writing section of this website.
If you have an album you want reviewed reach out here and I’ll give it a listen.