What is This?
Excellent question, paragraph heading! This part of my website is dedicated to the plethora of things I write about.
I specialize in creative writing, from screenwriting to short stories to poems. I typically write comedy, horror, or both!
Occasionally, I interview random artists (usually in the film and music industry) and write articles about them which are also posted here.
Finally, I’m a big music fan and do some audio engineering in my spare time, does that make me qualified to write album reviews? I dunno! But I do it anyway, so those are here too.
If any of the aforementioned writing sounds appealing to you or if you want to have something to mock, please add yourself to my email list to be notified whenever a new post is out.

Warriors Album Review
Clownery you were not expecting, but may enjoy. Like someone pulling out a kazoo in the middle of a DMV.

If you need a video producer or writer, please reach out. I’m happy to shoot you a quote.
If you’re a non-profit in need of video work, please message me, I’d love to support your cause.
Finally, if you’re a creative in the greater Seattle area and just want to chat, email me and we can talk about future creative projects.